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Old House Problems Buyers Should Know

Common Issues With Older Homes Are you considering buying an old house? Buying an old home may allow you to live in a stylish, affordable piece of history. Unfortunately, it can also bring many issues you may not be prepared for. What seems like a great deal initially m...

Top Home Seller Mistakes When Selecting A Realtor

Common Mistakes In Choosing A Real Estate Agent You have come to that time when you will pack your bags and look for your next housing gig. Part of this process will be picking a great Real Estate agent to work with. Unfortunately, choosing the right Realtor is an area...

How to Make and Save Money to Invest in Real Estate

I have been a real estate investor for many years and built my net worth to more than 10 million dollars from almost nothing mostly thanks to real estate. However, I did not buy my first rental property for many years after I decided I wanted to be a landlord. Right now...

Pricing a House Too High Has Risks

The Problem With a Home Priced Too High Are you wondering what the risks are of pricing your home too high? A house priced too high can be the kiss of death. One part art, one part science, determining your home's asking price is no easy task. You want your home to mov...

Pricing a House Too High Has Risks

The Problem With a Home Priced Too High Are you wondering what the risks are of pricing your home too high? A house priced too high can be the kiss of death. One part art, one part science, determining your home's asking price is no easy task. You want your home to mov...

When Buying a House What is a Good Credit Score and How to Get One

Get a Good Credit Score When Buying a Home Are you wondering what a good credit score for buying a house is? A healthy credit score is a vital factor when buying a house. A good credit score can mean the difference between getting the most favorable interest rate and t...

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