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What Does it Mean When a House is Under Contract?

What Does it Mean When a House is Under Contract?

What Does Under Contract Mean? When you set out to purchase a home, you’re likely to find properties “under contract” on a real estate listing. Houses under contract mean that an offer has been accepted. Under contract real estate often goes into...
What to Do After Selling a House

What to Do After Selling a House

What To Do After Selling Your House My homeowners say to themselves, “I sold my house, now what?” What to do after selling a house can be mysterious when you’ve never done it before. Selling a home is usually not something that most folks get excited...
What Does Pending in Real Estate Mean?

What Does Pending in Real Estate Mean?

What Does Pending Sale Mean? Over my thirty-seven-year career, many buyers and sellers have asked me what pending in real estate means. It is not that unusual, as many real estate terms are batted around, assuming that all consumers should know them. There are similar...