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Share Your Stories: Affordable Housing Initiatives

Share Your Stories: Affordable Housing Initiatives

We recently asked members to share any affordable housing initiatives that companies are already involved in or may have planned. Brenda Silveus of Arizona-based Pioneer Title shared an initiative that her company promotes and supports. In her state, the Northern...
Property Searches: What is a Search of Title?

Property Searches: What is a Search of Title?

What is a Title Search? Have you heard your mortgage lender or real estate agent mention title searches and wondered what they were referring to? Property searches are done on nearly every real estate transaction. Understanding a title search is crucial when...
Property Searches: What is a Search of Title?

Property Searches: What is a Search of Title?

What is a Title Search? Have you heard your mortgage lender or real estate agent mention title searches and wondered what they were referring to? Property searches are done on nearly every real estate transaction. Understanding a title search is crucial when...